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These Articles are designed to explain some of the latest information on healthcare, nutrition, and natural medicine in an easy-to-understand way.

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Body System


Turmeric Golden Milk recipe

Turmeric Golden Milk recipe

Find comfort in this 10-minute to make paleo-friendly, vegan, dairy-free, and naturally sweetened Turmeric Golden Milk recipe. This latte-like creamy drink is guaranteed to provide you the warmth when it is cold and rainy outside. Gold milk is a traditional Ayurvedic...

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Good Health Starts in the Mouth

Good Health Starts in the Mouth

The oral microbiome affects the whole body The bacterial colony of the mouth, known as the oral microbiome, is complex and unique to each person. Just like the microbiome of the gut, the oral microbiome thrives in an environment of diversity and beneficial bacteria...

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There’s a party in your mouth!

There’s a party in your mouth!

 The microbiome  Gut health is currently a popular topic, with a lot of information emerging about the impact of ‘gut bacteria’ on our health. Gut bacteria, known as the gut microbiome, is a colony of microorganisms which is involved in digestion, immunity...

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Dental Issues? A Bacterial Imbalance Could Be To Blame

Dental Issues? A Bacterial Imbalance Could Be To Blame

 The oral microbiome is linked to dental problems  The microbial colony of the mouth, known as the oral microbiome, helps to maintain the health and function of the lips, cheeks, teeth, gums, tongue and mouth. The oral microbiome is complex and unique to...

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Is Stress Affecting your Health?

Is Stress Affecting your Health?

What happens to your body when you are overly stressed?Stress is the body’s natural response to environmental stimuli. It is an emotional and physical response to a perceived threat, either from inside or outside the body. When a threat is perceived there is an...

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Better Sleep Naturally!

Better Sleep Naturally!

Sleep disorders and mental healthSleep disorders and mental health are closely connected. For example, problems sleeping can often be due to stress, anxiety, worry, muscle tension, poor self-esteem, perfectionism and low confidence. Conversely, poor sleep can affect...

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Natural Strategies for  Managing Anxiety

Natural Strategies for Managing Anxiety

Symptoms of anxietyAnxiety is often related to unpleasant emotional feelings of worry, stress, sadness, excitement, tension and fear. Sometimes it is not obvious if anxiety is the underpinning cause to your physical, emotional, and/or mental symptoms. Signs and...

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Alkalising your body through diet & lifestyle

Alkalising your body through diet & lifestyle

Healthy acid-alkaline balance is essential for wellbeingA healthy balance between acid and alkaline levels in the body is important for vitality, energy and overall health. Stress and an unhealthy diet can lead to excess acid build-up in the blood, causing pain,...

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Is Chronic Metabolic Acidosis Affecting Your Health?

Is Chronic Metabolic Acidosis Affecting Your Health?

 The body must be maintained at the right pH in order to function properly  The pH of blood is extremely important for ensuring optimal health and is very closely regulated by the body. Disturbances or imbalance sin your body’s pH can result in long-term...

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The Alkalising Effect of Mineral Citrates

The Alkalising Effect of Mineral Citrates

 The body must be maintained at the correct pH in order to function properly  Normal human metabolism produces more acidifying waste products than alkalising substances, so the body must continually adjust pH to compensate for this. In addition, the average...

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A nasty little bug that can cause Heartburn & reflux

A nasty little bug that can cause Heartburn & reflux

Helicobacter pylori – A nasty infection  Helicobacter pylori, or H. pylori, is a bacterium that infects the human stomach. H. pylori infection can cause heartburn, reflux, gastritis, stomach ulcers, and even stomach cancer. Conventional treatment is usually a...

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Are you suffering from an overgrowth of intestinal microbes?

Are you suffering from an overgrowth of intestinal microbes?

The large intestine contains trillions of bacteria The large intestine, or bowel, contains more microbes than any other part of the body. These micro-organisms live in a carefully balanced community known as the microbiome. When the microbiome is in balance, it plays...

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Taking care of your mouth matters!

Taking care of your mouth matters!

The mouth harbours its own unique microbiome Most people are aware that the gastrointestinal tract contains a community of bacteria and other micro-organisms, called the microbiome; but did you know that the mouth also harbours its own unique microbiome?  Oral...

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What happens when bacteria go where they shouldn’t?

What happens when bacteria go where they shouldn’t?

 The small intestine normally contains only a tiny number of bacteria  Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) occurs when harmless bacteria that normally inhabit the large intestine move up into the small intestine. Once there, the bacteria begin...

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Muscle and Calf Cramps: Signs of Magnesium Deficiency

Muscle and Calf Cramps: Signs of Magnesium Deficiency

Muscle and calf cramps are typical symptoms of magnesium deficiency. They are not only annoying, but they can also be very painful. Calf cramps often disturb our sleep at night or occur early morning; however, muscle cramps, spasms or eye twitches can happen at any...

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Migraines and Headaches: The Magnesium Deficiency Link

Migraines and Headaches: The Magnesium Deficiency Link

There are more than 300 different kinds of headaches. Medical science distinguishes between a tension headache and a migraine as the following: • Tension headache: Dull, pressing to pulling pain over the whole head.  • Migraine headache: Throbbing and...

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Magnesium in Pregnancy and Lactation

Magnesium in Pregnancy and Lactation

Magnesium deficiency may occur during pregnancy and breastfeeding because the baby’s growth increases the magnesium demand. It has been shown that blood concentrations of magnesium are decreased during pregnancy; therefore, it is recommended that pregnant and...

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Probiotics for mood support

Probiotics for mood support

Recent research has discovered something extraordinary: that consuming specific types of probiotic supplements can have a positive effect on mood, through interactions with the microbiome and effects on the gut-brain axis. What is the microbiome? Our gut contains...

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Digestive health is linked to mental health

Digestive health is linked to mental health

Did you know that the health of your digestive system can affect your moods and mental health? We are used to thinking of our minds and our bodies as being separate, however scientific research is now confirming that the mind and body are inextricably linked....

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Dietary recommendations for healthy moods

Dietary recommendations for healthy moods

The SMILES diet Evidence from scientific studies show that healthy diets are associated with healthier moods, whilst unhealthy diets are associated with poor mental health. To examine the relationship between diet and mood more closely, researchers ran a trial called...

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Magnesium is critical for balancing blood sugar levels

Magnesium is critical for balancing blood sugar levels

Balance blood glucose levels for good health Carbohydrates from the food we eat are broken down into glucose, which then enters the blood stream. When blood glucose levels rise, the pancreas produces a hormone called insulin, which tells our body cells to take up...

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Supporting healthy blood pressure with Magnesium

Supporting healthy blood pressure with Magnesium

Magnesium regulates blood pressure Maintaining blood pressure within the heathy range is important to avoid damage to the heart, brain and kidneys. Magnesium keeps the blood vessels heathy and flexible, allowing them to dilate and constrict as needed to adjust blood...

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